Traditional Education
PRINTS Education
Traditional Schools
Rote memorization
Little (if any) emphasis on multiculturalism
Bilingualism, multiculturalism and internationalism fully integrated with academic subjects.
Traditional Schools
1 age group
Teacher-directed work
Work is assigned arbitrarily to the entire group, regardless of individual needs
Silence is imposed in the classroom
Mixed-age group
Children choose activities on their own
Activities are presented to children individually or in small groups, in accordance with each child's needs and learning style
Silence is a reflection of concentration, peace, and order. The environment is calm
Traditional Schools
Teachers are central, regardless of how well they have mastered the material
Guides facilitate, listen, and consult
Traditional Schools
Students receive lessons according to lesson plans following a predetermined syllabus
Subjects are compartmentalized
Days are broken up arbitrarily by subjects, regardless of need
Teacher decides what students do
All students work at the same pace
Students receive individualized, level-appropriate lessons
Subjects are intertwined
Uninterrupted blocks of time allow for the pursuit of work to the student's satisfaction
Students choose individual and group work
Students work independently at their own level and pace
Traditional Schools
Rules imposed externally
Rewards and punishment used to regulate behavior and performance
Discipline emerges from student
Students help establish ground rules for behavior in class.
Students learn to take responsibility for their own behavior
Traditional Schools
The adult is the judge
Recognition is gained by acceptance from the adult or the group
Further evaluation is based on short-term rote memorization and repetition of data
Self-correcting materials allow the students to get immediate feedback independently
Students reflect on their own process of learning and consult with the guides for support
The success and sense of accomplishment that the students experience enhance their self-confidence and pleasure in learning
Evaluation is comprehensive and spread over time. Students' journals, individual and group projects, teacher's observations and students' self-reflection all contribute to the discussion of developmental milestones
Evaluation is not of academics alone; it also includes the emotional and social development of each student